Gig Requests

Prescott Ukulele Guild has several “sub groups” (smaller groups of players that practice weekly) that are available for performances in the Prescott area (retirement centers, etc.).

Please email Doreen here and your request will be forwarded to Sub Group leaders for consideration.

In Memoriam

Memoriam of PUG Members:


Rodney Davis

We recently lost a huge presence in our ukulele community. Our friend Rodney Davis passed away March 21, 2023. He will be missed by all of us. Rodney was a constant presence at monthly meetings, special events like Acker Night and the annual picnic. He played with the Strummin’ Ukes and mentored the Way Beyond Beginners. He helped Doreen teach at Del Rio Elementary School and helped Crystal with her beginner classes. Rodney pretty much showed up at every PUG related program or event he could.
He was a ukulele player, teacher, mentor, and friend to everyone he met. Ukuleles were a part of
Rodney’s life from his childhood in Hawaii and his enthusiasm for ukuleles was contagious. If you have
memories of Rodney or photos, please email them to us and we will forward them to his daughters.
Rodney helped tune the library ukuleles when they arrived. Wish we had video of what he was playing.
For those of you who are working on your strumming technique, pay attention to Rodney’s right hand.
That is how they learn it in Hawaii. Don’t believe us? Watch a video of Jake Shimabukuro. Now look at
his left hand and see how his fingers are curved so only the fingertips touch the fretboard. Lastly, notice
how relaxed he looks. That, PUGsters, is exactly how you should be when playing your uke! RIP Rodney.
We miss you.


Stu Fuchs Songs

These are the song sheets used during Stu Fuch’s workshop (plus some bonus material!)

And  ~ this is the special wrap up review video he made just for PUG.

YouTube player

“Love Potion No. 9” – Lesson and Song Sheet!

At our virtual PUG meeting on 6.4.20 ( still virtual due to COVID-19), Steve Edwards presented a revised version on Love Potion No. 9 (Big Yellow p.155).  We have created a song sheet for this new version which is available for download here:

Download Love Potion No. 9 Rev 6.8.20

Here’s the lesson video, in two parts.

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YouTube player

“I Feel Good” Virtual Lesson with Steve Edwards

Steve taught us this one at our 5/7/20 Virtual Meeting.


Please note, Steve is available for online lessons. Click here for more info.

Download the Music here

A note from Steve:

Anytime I sing or  play, what you see will NOT line up with what you hear, so just listen to the sound, and try to copy. This is important regarding when down strokes and upstrokes happen. When I describe things one at a time, and I’m not playing much, the information is more aligned. Bottom line is, what I SAY is accurate, so refer to that if confused (except for the ending chord , which is called a C9 instead of a G9!).

Here’s the C9 chord diagram.

And the Lesson:

YouTube player

How to read music: Repeats

This short video helps explain all the types of repeat sections and how they are played. We confront them every time we use Big Yellow!

YouTube player

Members Only Page

We now have a page for PUG members only! This page will feature items such as performance videos that are for our learning and review purposes only.

The password is provided to all members via email.  If you need a reminder, click here.

Visit the Members Only Page now.

Great Ukulele Clubs

PUG got a nice mention in String Vibe with this article about 11 Great Ukulele Clubs.

Read More:

Core Songs Chart

Our Core Songs notes have been updated and can be downloaded here. Print them and add to your binder!

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Feedback Form

Please download, print and complete this form to indicate your preferences for the year ahead! Then bring to the January 5 meeting.

Thank you.


Steve's List PDF