“Love Potion No. 9” – Lesson and Song Sheet!

At our virtual PUG meeting on 6.4.20 ( still virtual due to COVID-19), Steve Edwards presented a revised version on Love Potion No. 9 (Big Yellow p.155).  We have created a song sheet for this new version which is available for download here:

Download Love Potion No. 9 Rev 6.8.20

Here’s the lesson video, in two parts.

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Online Lessons via Zoom with Steve

In addition to providing lessons at PUG meetings (temporarily on hold),  Steve Edward normally teaches private ukulele lessons for all levels at Pop’s Music Store in Prescott .

Steve is now offering group and private lessons online via Zoom. Contact him by phone or email.

928.379.0046 or aahmusic100@icloud.com  

Straight vs Swing

This well made video explains the different usages of Straight and Swing time rhythms.

YouTube player

Ukulele Cheat Sheet!

This is a sample of page one.

No, we aren’t suggesting you cheat on your taxes, or your spouse! Use the blue button below to download the 2 page PDF.

The Skeptical Guitarist sent it along, and here’s what he says:

Ukulele Cheat Sheet is a useful alternative to the dozens of chord charts that show all 4 billion possible ukulele chords.  To wit, the A#m7b5 chord or the E#9dim7 chord.  You will never use these chords, nor thousands like them.  And in an effort to squeeze all these useless chords onto one chart, they become MICROSCOPIC.  On MY chart, the front side shows the most common chords grouped into the most common keys in LARGE friendly diagrams, showing the overlap from key to key and acknowledging the different roles of chords within keys.  On the back, you’ll find a chord dictionary of the Major, Seventh and Minor chords for the main chord types (C, G, F, etc.) plus some of the more interesting and useful variations.  Insert it into your 3-hole punch song book for easy reference at the picking part.

Download the Cheat Sheet

More books and sheets available here: http://www.skepticalguitarist.com/ 
(Ask about the PUG discount)

Financial Scholarship Application

Please complete the form below and we will notify you when your request has been approved.

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How to read music: Repeats

This short video helps explain all the types of repeat sections and how they are played. We confront them every time we use Big Yellow!

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Picnic Pics!

Our annual PUGnic (OK I just made that up) took place at Granite Creek Park on Sunday, Sept. 17.  Those of us who missed the Cardinals game to attend were comforted with much food, drink, music and merriment ! Here are a few photos.

If you have more photos, please email them to info@prescottukuleleguild-cb685e.ingress-comporellon.ewp.live 


New Photo Gallery and Video Pages

We have a new Photo Gallery page where you’ll see pics from recent PUG performances and events! Swing on by and take a look.

On our Video page, you can check out Spotlight Performances from our monthly meetings.


PUG is pleased to share video lessons from our meetings here.

How to Practice Effectively

This fascinating YouTube video from TedEd has some great tips for practicing anything (including ukulele playing) and explains a bit of the brain science behind it.