The Prescott Ukulele Guild encourages members to join or form a Subgroup.

Being in a subgoup is super fun, and you can decide what you music you want to play, accept gigs, and generally just have a blast with fellow uke players.

To join a subgroup, ask any member at the monthly PUG meeting.  Forming your own group is a matter of finding kindred souls, a place and time to practice, and then when you’re ready, sign up to do a Spotlight performance at a monthly meeting.

Strummin’ Ukes meet on Tuesdays from 11-1, at the Prescott Valley Elks Lodge.

Ukuladies Plus One meet on Wednesdays from 11-1, at Lookout (formerly the Bird Barn) on Willow Creek and Black St.

The Paniolos meet on the 2nd and 4th Monday from 12:30-2, at the Lookout on Willow Creek and Black St.

If you want information about any of the subgroups, email us,